Role of credit on mustard production and food security in a selected area of Sirajganj District in Bangladesh
Credit is a driving force behind increased crop productivity, and food security is essential to the general advancement of humanity. The current study was carried out to analyze the socioeconomic profile of the respondents, examine the loan components, evaluate the effect of credit on mustard production, and find out how many calories each household member consumes on a per capita basis. A sample size of sixty respondents was selected randomly from Sirajganj district in Bangladesh. Primary data were collected through a field survey using a semi-structured interview schedule. Descriptive statistics, the multiple linear regression models, and the modified OECD scale were used to analyze the data. The study found that most of the respondents were in the active age group, and half of the respondents had a secondary level of education. About half of the respondents belonged to the middle-income group. Two-thirds of the respondents received a large loan. It was found that credit had a positive impact on mustard production. The poverty rate was much higher than the national average in the study area. Along with specialized banks, other financial institutions should extend agricultural loans to increase mustard production and food security for rural poor households in Bangladesh.
Agricultural credit, Bangladesh, Calorie intake, Mustard productionDownloads
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