A review on molecular breeding techniques: Crucial approach in livestock improvement
For underdeveloped countries, molecular breeding (MB) has a lot of promise. However, the implementation in developing countries is far from uniform. Livestock improvement programs aim to improve the genetics of domesticated animal populations by selecting males and females who, when mated, will produce progeny that perform better than the current generation's average. The amount of genetic progress made through conventional selection and breeding methods for quantitative traits in livestock is successful, but limitations such as routinely recording phenotypes, animal sacrifice for meat quality traits, recording in particular sex for sex-limited traits, and so on the limit the amount of genetic progress made through conventional selection and breeding methods. Marker-assisted selection (MAS), genome-wide selection (GWS), marker-assisted recurrent selection (MARS), and genome-wide sequencing (GS) are examples of modern breeding procedures. Molecular genetics technology may provide a technique to choose breeding animals at an early age (even embryos), to select for a wide variety of features and to improve the accuracy of forecasting an individual's mature phenotype. This paper examines the challenges and potential of applying molecular breeding techniques to improve livestock in developing countries.
Conventional selection, MAS, MARS, Phenotype, Quantitative traitsDownloads
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