A review of ecological agricultural practices as an important component of climate resilient management

E.B. Utobo 1 , M. Esakkimuthu 2

1   Department of Environmental Science, College of Basic Science and Humanities, G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & Technology, Pantnagar-263145 (Uttarakhand), INDIA
2   Department of Agricultural Extension, Kerala Agricultural University, Regional Agricultural Research Station, Pilicode- 671310 (Kerala), INDIA

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doi https://doi.org/10.26832/24566632.2017.020416



The pressing need to systematically redirect agricultural practices, towards sustainable, biodiversity based eco-agriculture and the basic agro-ecological principles cannot be overemphasized, especially in this era of threat to food and livelihood security caused by climate change in several developing countries of the world is evident. This is on account that the ecological aspect of agricultural production, which is resilient to climate and productive is based on principles that create biological diversity and build healthy soils, which also prioritizes indigenous and farmers’ knowledge. Ecological agricultural techniques are the foundations for the adaptation strategies needed urgently by the farmers in various developing countries, who will suffer greater from the climate change effects. Many answers lie in farmers’ farms and knowledge. Thus, this review is focused on how to improve the biodiversity of the agricultural system, build better healthy soils that will be drought tolerant and also to add social resilience required to face the increased uncertainty in weather patterns.


Biodiversity, Climate change, Developing countries, Ecological agriculture, Sustainability


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How to Cite

Utobo, E., & Esakkimuthu, M. (2017). A review of ecological agricultural practices as an important component of climate resilient management. Archives of Agriculture and Environmental Science, 2(4), 336-339. https://doi.org/10.26832/24566632.2017.020416



Review Articles