Effects of bio-slurry with chemical fertilizer on the performance of some high yielding varieties of boro rice (Oryza sativa L.)
Rice yield is greatly influenced by application of manures and fertilizer. Integrated use of organic manure and chemical fertilizer would be quite promising in providing better yield. To evaluate the effect of bio-slurry along with chemical fertilizer, a field experiment was conducted in the Agronomy Field Laboratory, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, Bangladesh. The experiment was comprised of four varieties of boro (dry season irrigated) rice viz., (i) BRRI dhan28, (ii) BRRI dhan29 (iii) Binadhan-8 (iv) Binadhan-10 and four fertilizer management viz., (i) control, (ii) recommended dose of inorganic fertilizer, (iii) bio-slurry@ 5 t ha-1 + inorganic fertilizer, (iv) farmers’ practice (average 15 farmers). The experiment was laid out in a randomized complete block design with three replications. It is evident that variety and fertilizer management had significant effect on effective tillers hill-1, number of grains panicle-1 which ultimately influenced grain yield. The highest grain yield was (6.03 t ha-1) in Binadhan-8 followed by Binadhan-10 and BRRI dhan29. The lowest grain yield was found from BRRI dhan28. In respect of fertilizer management, grain yield was highest (5.90 t ha-1) in bio-slurry @ 5 t/ha + inorganic fertilizer. The lowest grain yield was found from control. The combined effect of variety and fertilizer application showed that highest grain yield (6.10 t ha-1) was found from Binadhan-8 with bio-slurry @ 5 t ha-1 + inorganic fertilizer and the lowest grain yield (4.68 t ha-1) was found from BRRI dhan28 with farmers’ practice. Thus, the variety Binadhan-8 with application of bio-slurry @ 5 t ha-1 + inorganic fertilizer was superior for obtaining highest yield.
Bio-slurry, Crop yield, Effective tillers, Fertilizer management, Harvest index, High yield varietiesDownloads
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