Effect of biofertilizer and weeding regimes on yield performance of bush bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)
In order to assess the effect of biofertilizer and weeding regimes and their interaction on the performance of bush bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), a field experiment was conducted at the Agronomy Field Laboratory, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh following randomize complete block design (RCBD) with three replications during winter season, in 2017. The experiment consisted of five treatments of biofertilizer (B0 = no biofertilizer, B1 = 1.0 Kg biofertilizer ha-1, B2 = 1.5 Kg biofertilizer ha-1, B3 = 2.0 Kg biofertilizer ha-1, B4 = 2.5 Kg biofertilizer ha-1) and four level of weeding W0 = No weeding, W1 = One weeding at 15 DAS, W2 = Two weeding at 15 DAS and 30 DAS, W3 = Three weeding at 15 DAS, 30 DAS and 45 DAS. Yield contributing characters were significantly influenced by biofertilizer and weeding regimes. In case of attributes affected by yield factor for biofertilizer the highest plant height, weight of seed plant-1, grain and stover yield in 1.5 Kg biofertilizer ha-1, number of seed plant-1 in 1.0 Kg biofertilizer ha-1, weight of 1000 seeds in no biofertilizer and harvest index in 2.0 Kg biofertilizer ha-1 treatments were observed. Considering yield attributes against weeding regimes, the highest plant height, grain yield, stover yield and harvest index in three weeding, weight of seeds plant-1 and weight of 1000 seeds in two weeding were found. In case of interaction effect highest plant height in B2W3, weight of seeds plant-1 in B4W2, weight of 1000 seeds in B1W3, grain yield in B3W3, stover yield in B3W3 and harvest index in B0W3 were observed. The results obtained in experiment indicate that there is ample scope to increase the yield of bush bean by applying proper dose of biofertilizer and management of weeding regimes.
Bush bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), Biofertilizer, Weeding regimes, YieldDownloads
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