Study on fish marketing system of some fish species in Hobiganj District, Bangladesh
The study was conducted on fish marketing system of Hobiganj sadar upazila to look out the existing marketing channels of some fresh fish species and to explore marketing cost and income of wholesalers and retailers in the study areas. The present investigation was carried out for a period of July 2019 to November 2019 mainly in three different markets of Hobiganj sadar town of Bangladesh. A total of 60 fish traders were selected randomly and data were collected through direct interview utilizing a well-structured questionnaire. The study pointed that in supply chain about only 5% customers received fish from fish farmers directly and rest 95% fishes arrived to the consumer levels through intermediaries. About 60% fish species were come locally and 40% came from different portions of the country. Fish of most priceable and high consumer preference were Air and Ilish due to its good taste on the other hand Tilapia and Pungas were the less priceable and low consumer preference fish in the surveyed areas because of their bad odour and low taste. The net margin of piker, wholesaler and retailer were 690 Tk. ($8.14), 350 Tk. ($4.13), 830 Tk. ($9.79) quintal-1 whereas gross margin was 900 Tk ($10.62), 500 Tk. ($5.90) and 1000 Tk. ($11.80) quintal-1, respectively and these were satisfactory for their daily livelihood. Traders faced numerous problems such as poor drainage, security, electricity, icing, personal expense, unhygienic environment and transportation etc. To develop the facilities of fish marketing is crucial by improving fish transport facilities, establish ice factory and to introduce fish quality monitoring unit.
Consumer, Fish marketing, Marketing channel, Net income, Retailer, WholesalerDownloads
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