Effects of aflatoxin contaminated feed on the fingerlings of tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus Linnaeus, 1758)
Aflatoxin contamination, particularly common in cultured fishes in Asian countries, are considered unsafe both for fish and human health. However, the presence of aflatoxin in cultured fish feed and their effect are still under estimated in Bangladesh. The present study aimed to assess the effects of aflatoxin on growth performance and residues in tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) fingerlings. Fish feed were treated with several concentration of
aflatoxin as 0 ppb (T0, control), 25 ppb (T1), 50 ppb (T2) and 100 ppb (T3) and fed the tilapia fingerlings (n=10) in individual glass aquaria (24×12×12 inch, 105-litre capacity) conditions for 12 weeks. Comparatively higher body length (cm) and weight gain (g) were observed in treatment T0 (1.68 and 4.98) and T1 (1.60 and 5.48) than those of treatment T2 (1.31 and 4.06) and T3 (1.20 and 3.10), respectively. The specific growth rate (SGR) were almost similar in treatment T0 (52%), T1 (51%) and T2 (52%) whereas declined significantly (p<0.05) in T3 (39%). Higher survival rate was also demonstrated in treatment T0 (90%) and T1 (90%) whereas significantly decreased in treatment T2 (60%) and T3 (40%). The residue of aflatoxin was not detected in T0 and T1. On the contrary, the residual effect in tilapia fingerling was evident in T2 and T3 treatment. The findings of the present study revealed that aflatoxin contaminated feed is harmful for the growth performance and survival of O. niloticus fingerlings. Further study is necessary to safeguard the aquaculture production as well as to produce healthy food for human consumption.
Aflatoxin, Growth, O. niloticus Fingerling, Survival, ResidueDownloads
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