Growth and yield performance of okra genotypes in acidic soil at Sylhet Region, Bangladesh
A field experiment was conducted at the field laboratory of Department of Crop Botany and Tea Production Technology, Sylhet Agricultural University from August 2016 to January 2017 to select the best suited okra genotype(s) considering growth and yield performance among eleven genotypes viz. BARI Dherosh−1 (control) and 10 exotic (Japanese okra) cultivable in acidic soil conditions. All okra genotypes were evaluated in relation to morphological characteristics and yield performance at defined area of study. The treatment combinations were laid out in a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replications. In almost all parameters, significant variations were observed. Experimental findings revealed that BARI Dherosh−1, JO−2, JO−6 and JO−10 showed excellent performance in germination capacity. The high yielding genotype BARI Dherosh−1 exhibited taller plant at final harvest. Early flowers, individual fruit weight with maximum number of flowers and fruits plant-1 was observed in JO−6. The genotype JO−3 produced the highest number of branches, internodes and leaves at final harvest. The flowering duration was long in the genotype JO−2. The highest fruit setting (%) was observed in JO−1. The longest fruit length and the lowest number of aborted fruits were observed in JO−5 whereas BARI Dherosh−1 showed the largest fruit diameter at 9 DAF and heaviest hundred seed weight. The highest fruit fresh weight observed in JO−4 and the highest fruit dry weight observed in JO−5 at 9 DAF. Regarding fruit yield, the genotype JO−6, JO−10 and JO−3 performed better. The genotypes JO−6 and JO−10 were found to be promising genotypes in acid soil considering the morphological features and yield attributes. Since the variety of our research is suitable for Sylhet region acid soil, if our variety is combined with Sylhet’s cropping pattern cropping intensity will be increase, which will benefit the farmer financially and meet the nutritional needs.
Acidic soil, Germination, Morphological features, Okra genotypes, Yield performanceDownloads
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