A study on consumer preferences towards duck meat in Mymensingh city of Bangladesh
This paper examined the consumer preferences of duck meat in Mymensingh city of Bangladesh. The aim of the study was to find out how much people like or dislike to consume duck meat and what amount do they consume. Purposive sampling technique was carried out among 80 consumers of duck meat. A five-point Likert scale was used to measure consumers attitudes towards duck meat and Discriminative Power (DP) value was computed to find out the lowest and the highest variability of responses. Nearly no study related to the preferences of duck meat consumption was conducted before in the selected study area. The findings of this study revealed that 63.75% consumers disfavored duck meat and 30% consumers favored it. Results indicated that the majority of the consumers strongly agreed that dressing slaughtered duck is complex and duck meat is nutritious and delicious. The highest variability in consumers responses was to statement, “duck meat can be used in any occasion. And the
lowest variability of responses was to the statement that, “duck meat is very fatty” as almost all the respondents agreed. Therefore, it can be concluded that consumers showed unfavorable attitudes towards duck meat consumption. The reason behind this disfavoring attitude were allergy, asthma and seasonal pattern of duck meat consumption. This means that the respondents showed differentiated response, when they were responding on the statement that duck meat can be used in any occasion while the respondents were somewhat in differentiated while they were responding that the duck meat is very fatty. Traditionally duck is consumed in winter season in Bangladesh. That’s why, the year-round consumer preferences including warmer seasons resulted in lower total year-round preferences.
Consumer, Consumption pattern, Duck, Meat, PreferenceDownloads
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