Biomass and carbon approximation model on burnt peatland in Eks- Milion Ha, Central Kalimantan Province of Indonesia
Forest and land fires will lead to the loss of forest ecosystems, loss of forest biomass and the sustainability of forests. After the event of fire whether an ecosystem will improve the forest and its environment. The study is intended to calculate biomass and carbon stocks in secondary natural forests that burn after 10 years and determine the model of biomass estimation and carbon stocks in secondary forests that burn after 10 years. This research was conducted on burnt peatlands in the Ex Million ha of Central Kalimantan Province of Indonesia. The research method used is the analysis of vegetation and destructive sampling on forest biomass that grows on burning peatlands. The result showed that biomass content of secondary natural forest formed after peat burns > 10 years in 466.2 ton / ha of and carbon content of 264.4 ton / ha. The estimation of biomass in secondary natural forest formed after peat burn> 10 years log is B = - 0.127 + 1.83 log D (B = 0.746 D 1.83) R2 : 87.5 % and carbon estimation is log K = - 0.506 + 1.92 log D (K = 0.312 D 1.92) R2: 85.7 %. In the location of the burnt peat swamp forest there has been a succession of secondary forest and the equation model obtained in the study can be used to estimate biomass and carbon content.
Biomass, Destructive sampling, Estimation biomass and carbon, Forest fire, Land fireDownloads
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