Evaluation of eight isabgol (Plantago ovata Forsk.) germplasm performance grown under different climatic conditions in Bangladesh
The extent of genetic diversity in the crop plants is of prime concern to plant breeders and germplasm curators. Therefore, a study was employed to determine the genetic diversity and to evaluate the performance of eight genotypes of isabgol (Plantago ovata Forsk.) through analysis of morpho-physiological and yield attributing characteristics. All the germplasm was collected from different areas of Bangladesh. The experiments were conducted at the research field of Regional Spices Research Centre, Magura during the rabi season, 2019-20 to characterize phenotypically and to evaluate the performance of different isabgol germplasm. The experiments were laid out in randomized complete block design with three replications. The highest plant height (42.33 cm), number of tillers per plant (7.33), number of leaves per plant (74), length of leaf (30.00 cm), number of spikes per plant (29.0), length of spike (4.03 cm), 1000 seeds weight (2.0 g) and seed yield (823 kg ha-1) of isabgol was found from the germplasm PO-001 and the lowest plant height (39.67 cm), number of tillers per plant (6.33), number of leaves per plant (69.33), length of leaf (26.33 cm), number of spikes per plant (23.0), length of spike (3.67 cm), 1000 seeds weight (1.87 g) and seed yield (705 kg ha-1) of isabgol was found from the germplasm PO-007. On the basis of this field trail in terms of seed yield and other important agronomic characteristics the genotypes PO-001 can be chosen for future breeding material to release a commercial variety in Bangladesh climatic conditions.
Characterization, Evaluation, Germplasm, Isabgol, Plantago ovata ForskDownloads
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