Pesticide use in agriculture and chronic health conditions: A survey-based cross-sectional study in Nepal
The long-term (mis)use of chemical pesticides in agriculture may cause chronic health conditions. The study aimed to assess the relationship between pesticide use in agriculture and chronic health conditions of farmers. The study was done in two adjoining villages in Kavrepalanchok district of Nepal: Mahadevsthan having high application rates and long history of the use of pesticides in the agriculture; and Nayagaun - relatively low rates and a short history of the use of pesticides. Data was collected through household surveys, key informant interviews, focus group discussions, ‘door-to-door’ physical health examination, and free medical health camps. We performed an independent sample t-test and Poisson regression in data analysis. The findings showed higher prevalence rates of chronic health conditions in Mahadevsthan compared to Nayagaun. We also observed a significant positive association between pesticide use history and chronic health conditions. The incidence rate for multiple chronic conditions increased by a factor of 1.296 for an additional year of pesticide use. We, however, recommend in-depth longitudinal cohort studies for further examination of the relationship.
Chronic health conditions, Nepal, Pesticide use, Poison regressionDownloads
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