A review on biochar as a potential soil fertility enhancer to agriculture
Biochar is a carbon rich material produced from the pyrolysis of biomass at high temperature under oxygen deficit condition. It is recently introduced as one of the effective soil amendments with wide range of environmental benefits. This paper summarizes and discusses the effects of biochar on different soil parameters and crop productivity by reviewing scientific studies conducted around the globe. The benefit is derived especially from the improved soil physical and chemical properties through improvement in soil moisture content, soil bulk density, nitrogen uptake and availability and retention of other soil nutrients, but its effect is highly dependent on feedstocks used, pyrolysis temperature and soil types. It has been found to be more effective on infertile and degraded land. Further research is required to completely reveal the capacity of biochar in enhancing the soil characteristics.
Biochar, Fertilizer, N-cycling, Productivity, Soil fertility, StabilityDownloads
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