Pests, pathogens, pathogenic diseases, and diseases control strategies of sal (Shorea robusta) in Nepal
Sal (Shorea robusta) is one of the most indispensable species in Nepal, both ecologically and economically. This paper aims to provide updated guidance for the management and protection of this species in the future from various pests and pathogens. We reviewed 38 articles from Google Scholar and Research gate with keywords "Shorea robusta”, “Hoplocerambyx spinicornis”, “Polyporus shoreae”, “Heart rot”. S. robusta has the most insect fauna among the forest tree species. Out of the 346 insects reported on S. robusta, around 155 species of insects are associated with living trees. Hoplocerambyx spinicornis is the most destructive insect pest, wreaking havoc on S. robusta. Polyporous shoreae is the main cause of root rot in S. robusta, and spreads through root contact or root grafting. Heart rot in S. robusta is caused by the fungi Hymenochaete rubiginosa, Fomes caryophylli, and F. fastuosus. During the harvesting of S. robusta, the majority of the tree was observed to be faulty, resulting in a large amount of waste wood. The best way to determine the pathogen's "Achilles' heel" is to consider its life cycle. The Nepalese famous saying "prevention is better than cure" may be applicable in the management of S. robusta insect pests and pathogens. The current paper critically addresses these issues and argues the need for an improvised package of activities for insect pests, pathogens, prevention, and their control.
Heart rot, Hoplocerambyx spinicornis, Insect pests, Polyporus shoreae, Shorea robustaDownloads
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