Growth, mortality and stock assessment of greenback mullet, Planiliza subviridis from northwest Arabian Gulf, Iraq
The growth, mortality and stock parameters of greenback mullet, Planiliza subviridis from Iraqi marine waters, northwest Arabian Gulf was assessed using FiSAT II software for length-frequency data collected from February 2020 to January 2021. P. subviridis is one of the species caught in large quantities as commercial by artisanal fishers. Fish samples were collected by the Shaheen steel-hulled dhow and from the artisanal fishermen. The total length and body weight relationship of fish was estimated as W= 0.034L2.670, indicating negative allometric growth. Of 3350 specimens, growth and mortality parameters were evaluated. The asymptotic length (L∞), growth rate (K) and growth performance index (Ø') were 33.8 cm, 0.30 and 2.535, respectively. The total mortality rate (Z), natural mortality rate (M), and fishing mortality rate (F) were 1.11, 0.74 and 0.38, respectively. The present exploitation rate (Epresent) of P. subviridis computed as 0.34. Length at first capture (L50) was 17.47 cm. Recruitment of P. subviridis was observed throughout the year, with a peak during July. The yield per recruit analysis indicates that the current exploitation rate was below the biological target reference points (E0.1 and Emax), which refers to the stock of P. subviridis is underexploited. Virtual population analysis results showed that mid-lengths (16-22 cm) experienced the highest fishing mortality. The length at first capture (L50) was higher than the length at first maturity (Lm) of the species. So, for management purposes, more yields could be obtained by increasing the fishing activities on this species for a substantial harvest.
Arabian Gulf, Growth and mortality, Planiliza subviridis, VPA, Yield-per-recruitDownloads
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