Use of high-speed rotary tiller and power tiller operated seeder for onion (Allium cepa L.) cultivation
A field study was carried out to assess the performance of power tiller operated seeder (PTOS) and to compare the yield, quality, maturity and economic traits of onion under different planting methods at Spices Research Sub-Centre (SRSC), Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI), Faridpur, Bangladesh with four planting methods as four treatments: T1) ploughing the main field with high speed rotary tiller (HSRT) + direct seeding with power tiller operated seeder (PTOS), T2) ploughing the main field with HSRT + transplanting of seedlings, T3) ploughing the main field with HSRT + direct seeding in line and T4) ploughing the main field with HSRT + direct seeding as broadcasting. Under the study the treatments were arranged in a randomized complete block design with three replications. The outcome of the study revealed that the treatments had a significant influence on the characteristics studied accept yield of onion. Different economic traits of onion were varied among the planting methods. The bulbs under direct seeding with the PTOS matured earlier (133.66days) as compared to the transplant (155.54days). All direct seeding methods showed insignificantly higher yields than that of transplants. The maximum yield (15.05t/ha) was recorded from broadcasting method. The yield performance under direct seeding with the PTOS and transplants were 15.08 and 14.92t/ha, respectively. The broadcasting method had very heterogeneous and under-sized bulbs due to uneven spacing and maximum plant population per unit area. In case of economic performance, transplanting method incurred the highest total cost of production. Maximum net return and benefit-cost ratio (2.95) were calculated from direct seeding with PTOS. So, it is concluded that in Bangladesh, direct seeding method with the PTOS may be a good option for getting early crop and maximum economic benefit.
Direct seeding, High speed rotary tiller, Onion, Power tiller, Operated seeder, TransplantingDownloads
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