Effect of different doses of vermicompost on growth, yield and quality of radish (Raphanus sativus L. cv. Mino Early)
A field experiment was conducted at Horticulture farm of Nepal Polytechnic Institute (NPI) Bharatpur-11, Chitwan to study the effects of different doses of vermicompost on growth, yield and quality of radish (Raphanus sativus L. cv. Mino Early) from January 2020 to March 2020. Five different doses (0 ton, 5 ton, 10 ton, 15 ton, and 20 ton per hectare) of vermicompost were taken as treatments and the experiment was replicated four times. The experiment was set up in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD). The result of the study showed that there was a significant effect of different doses of vermicompost on plant height, the number of leaves per plant, spreading of the plant, root length, root weight per plant, root diameter, and root yield at harvesting. The maximum plant height, the maximum number of leaves per plant and maximum plant spreading in radish plant on vermicompost application was recorded every 30, 45 and 60 days after sowing (DAS). The maximum root length (29.60 cm), maximum root diameter (36.27 mm), maximum root weight (191.8 g), maximum biomass weight (241.6 g/plant), maximum root yield (47.9 ton/ha), were recorded on applying 15 ton/ha vermicompost at 60 DAS. The control treatment showed the minimum vegetative growth and yield. Among the different doses of vermicompost, the overall performance of radish was found better in 15 ton/ha of vermicompost. Statistical analysis showed no differences among (5 ton, 10 ton, 15 ton, 20 ton per hectare of vermicompost) applications. Hence, 5 ton per hectare of vermicompost application will be best for radish production in Chitwan.
Biomass, Growth, Radish, Spreading, Vermicompost, YieldDownloads
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