Status of forest soil and necessity of sustainable soil conservation practices of Nepal
Forests are the fundamental natural resource regarded as the crucial aspect to uplift rural livelihood in Nepal. Forest, not only acquaints us with ecosystem services but also deals with carbon sequestration and nutrient cycling in forest soil, serving the most crucial part of human welfare. However, several human forces such as construction of roads, deforestation, shifting cultivation, overgrazing, and forest fires have decreased the organic matter content and contributed to landslides, erosion and sedimentation in forest. Frequent landslides, soil erosion on the landscape of Nepal is degrading the environment and soil, where 1.7mm of fertile topsoil is lost annually. Considering the fact, present study points to recognize the status of forest soil, its relationship and necessity of sustainable soil conservation practices. Secondary sources of data were used to assemble the related information. Hence, Involvement of different institutions, policy, law, local participation and community-based approach is significantly important in adopting forest soil conservation approaches. Different strategies of carbon sequestration should be maintained by increasing plant cover, enhancing microbes, utilizing agricultural inputs and slowing down the amount of soil disturbances. Likewise, strengthening different thematic areas of Forest Policy 2015 is indispensable in effective implementation of sub sectoral programmes. Forest management strategies incorporating the concepts of carbon storage, buffer strips, terracing, windbreaks, agroforestry, conservation tillage are the major areas highlighted through this paper for further researchers on preserving forest land.
Agroforestry, Buffer strips, Conservation tillage, Ecosystem services, Soil conservationDownloads
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