Determination of soil fertility constraints in two paddy soils of the western highland zone of Cameroon
Information on soil fertility status and variability are essential in understanding the potential of soils and their management interventions in agriculture. The present study aimed at examining the soil quality or fertility of two paddy soils with different productivity in the Western Highland Zone of Cameroon. Twelve soil samples were collected in each of both study location at a standard depth of 0-30 cm and analyzed to find soil texture, Organic Carbon (OC), basic cations (Calcium Ca, Magnesium Mg, Potassium K and Sodium Na), Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC), soil pH, phosphorus (P), and Total Nitrogen (TN). Most measured soil characteristics showed different degrees of variability in soil nutrients ranging from low to very high in both soils. Both soils were acidic (pH <5.5), consistently deficient in total nitrogen, phosphorus, basic cations, and had high OC and CEC. Pearson correlation analysis and principal component analysis were used to identify appropriate soil quality indicators. P and Na in Koutaba and P, Mg, and CEC in Santchou constituted minimum data set (MDS) and accounted for 94% and 100% of the quality variation among soils. A Soil Quality Index (SQI) was developed base on the MSD method, Santchou and Koutaba received SQI of 0.48 and 0.73. The paddy soils of Koutaba were more fertile than those of Santchou. The low level of P and Mg were considered to be the major constraints limiting the productivity in both locations. These results suggest that, the management of inherent soil properties is based on-site specific situations.
Cameroon, Paddy soils, Soil fertility, Soil quality indexDownloads
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