Blockchain-based secured traceability system for the agriculture supply chain of ginger in Nepal: A case study
For the past few years, ginger export to India and through India to other countries has become a perennial problem for the farmers and traders. In this paper, we discuss about the impact of blockchain technology in ginger supply chain, which faces intermittent deterring of ginger worth millions in the Nepal-India border. Extensive literature reviews and execution of Delphi method in the study showed that blockchain as an emerging technology capable of transforming the food supply chain maintaining transparency in each step. In this paper, we study the potentiality of blockchain technology in transforming the ginger supply chain system through its potential benefits in Nepalese agriculture. The technology is capable of making various aspects of supply chain like tracing, monitoring and sustainability efficient. Thus, can reduce the trade-trust deficit between nations with technology.
Agriculture supply chain, Blockchain technology, Ginger supply chain, Simplify supply chain, Transparency in supply chainDownloads
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