Profitability and productivity of drought tolerant Aus rice variety Binadhan-19 in some areas of Bangladesh

R. Sultana 1 , M. H. Rahman 2 , M. R. Haque 3 , M. M. A. Sarkar 4 , S. Islam 5

1   Scientific Officer, Agricultural Economics Division, Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture (BINA), Mymensingh, BANGLADESH
2   Principal Scientific Officer, Agricultural Economics Division, BINA, Mymensingh, BANGLADESH
3   Senior Scientific Officer, Agricultural Economics Division, BINA, Mymensingh, BANGLADESH
4   Senior Scientific Officer, Agricultural Economics Division, BINA, Mymensingh, BANGLADESH
5   Scientific Officer, Agricultural Economics Division, Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture (BINA), Mymensingh, BANGLADESH

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The present study was conducted in five districts namely Mymensingh, Ranpur, Pabna, Rajshahi and Chapainwabganj in Bangladesh. The objectives of the study were i) to identify the socio-economic characteristics of Aus rice growers; ii) to estimate profitability and productivity of Binadhan-19 in the study areas; and iii) to find out the major preferences and constraints for the variety cultivation. A total of 200 farmers were randomly selected (40 from each location) to collect the data with a pre-designed questionnaire. The distribution of the farmers by age showed that the mean age for Binadhan-19 cultivated farmers was 43 years. In the study areas among the farmer 86% was educated. Farmers average experience was 20 year and income were Tk. 235066 (USD 2611.84) per year. Per hectare average yield of rice was 1.37 ton. It was estimated that, to produce one kilogram of rice, total cost incurred was Tk. 14 where per kg average selling price of rice was Tk. 17. The average gross return and gross margin of rice cultivation were found Tk. 90679 (USD 1007.54)/ha and Tk. 51290 (USD 559.88)/ha, respectively. Per hectare average net return was Tk. 2459 (USD 27.32) which was found to be highest in Chapainwabganj Tk. 29739 (USD 330.43) and lowest in Rangpur Tk. 12692 (USD 141.02) district. BCR on total cost basis was found 1.37. The highest preference was for neat rice 98% and the highest constrain said by the farmer was crop destroy by animal and bird of paddy for early ripening in Binadhan-19 cultivation.


Aus rice, Binadhan-19, Preferences and constraints, Profitability, Productivity



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How to Cite

Sultana, R., Rahman, M. H., Haque, M. R., Sarkar, M. M. A., & Islam, S. (2021). Profitability and productivity of drought tolerant Aus rice variety Binadhan-19 in some areas of Bangladesh. Archives of Agriculture and Environmental Science, 6(4), 483-488.



Research Articles