Taxonomic diversity of weed flora in pulse crops growing field at south-western part of Bangladesh
Pulses are important field crops in Bangladesh and weed infestation in pulses field is a great concern now a days. So, a rigorous field survey was conducted throughout the pulses growing season at pulses grower farmers’ field of south-western part of Bangladesh to know the present status of weed infestation in pulses field. During the survey, fresh samples were collected along with other related information e.g., habitat, location, collection date, flowering time, crop/plant association. Fresh samples were dried well for making herbarium specimens. A sum of 13 weed species under 12 genera and 08 families were collected and documented their uses in various ailments. Among the families, Amaranthaceae is the highest-represented family with 03 species. Among the genera, the largest genera Amaranthus represented by 2 species. Cyperous rotundus, Cynodon dactylon, Chenopodium album, Amaranthus spinosus, Croton bonplandianum, Coccinia grandis are the common and major weed species in pulse crop growing field in south-western part of Bangladesh. The knowledge generated from the present research would be helpful for the management practices of pulse crop associated weeds as well as for getting high economic benefits from beneficial species.
Bangladesh, Pulse crop, Taxonomy, WeedDownloads
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