Effect of transplanting dates on yield attributing characters of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) variety
The research was conducted on the field of Chagunarayan municipality (Tathali) from 23rd March to 17th June 2020 to observe the effect date of transplanting on attributing character of tomato Genotype. 23rd March, 6th April, 21st April, and 6th May are the four sowing dates laid out in the RCBD design with three replications. And the data were observed in 10 days intervals for each planting time. The attributing character like plant height, leaf number, no of branches shows positive impact for early shown plant species, and development for later sowing date shows decreasing result. Therefore, the species planted before the planting time is beneficial from an economic point of view where the plant shows a positive growth rate on attributing character, and it can be considered for further research programs as well.
Flowering, Fruit setting, Genotypes, Lycopersicon esculentum, Plant height, Tomato, Transplanting dateDownloads
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