Effect of seasonal variations on the physicochemical characteristics of spring water in Oji River LGA, Enugu State Nigeria
This study was conducted to determine the effect of seasonal variations on the physicochemical characteristics of spring water samples in Oji River Local Government Area of Enugu State, Nigeria. Water samples were collected in sterile plastic water containers at the point of discharge during the dry and wet seasons and analyzed physicochemically using the standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater. The results showed that the colour (7-14.2 TCU); pH (7.18-8.4); temperature (24.6-28.1 oC); electrical conductivity in wet season (128.5-285.6 µs/cm); total dissolved solids (114.7-401 mg/L); total suspended solids (101.8-423.6 mg/L); total hardness (58-255 mg/L); total acidity (3.55-19.5 mg/L); total alkalinity (9.2-47 mg/L); biological oxygen demand (1.70-3.28 mg/L); nitrate (0.73-2.23 mg/L); ammonium in wet season (0.18-0.34 mg/L); zinc (0.011-0.085 mg/L); mercury (0.001-0.005 mg/L); copper (0.002-1.008 mg/L) and iron (0.031-0.318 mg/L) of water were within the WHO standard for drinking water quality while the phosphate (0.14-1.08 mg/L), lead (0.013-0.098 mg/L) and ammonium in dry season (0.48-0.75 mg/L) levels were not found within the prescribed limit of WHO drinking water standards. Therefore, this investigation indicated that the spring water is unfit for drinking without adequate treatment. Liming, boiling and ozonation treatment techniques are recommended for the treatment of water.
Dry season, Oji River, Seasonal variation, Spring water, Wet seasonDownloads
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