Influence of socio-economic attributes of farmers on the adoption of orchard management practices of mandarin in Myagdi district, Nepal
Mandarin is one of the major and highly commercialized fruit crops of Nepal. However, its productivity is widely varied throughout the country. The association of socio-economic characteristics of the farmers with the adoption of different orchard management practices and ultimately productivity is less known. Therefore, survey research was conducted in the Myagdi district to study the influence of socio-economic attributes on the adoption of different orchard management practices and their relation to the productivity of mandarin. A total sample size of 94 was selected by simple random sampling technique and interviewed with a pre-tested, semi-structured questionnaire. Data were entered and analyzed using MS Excel, Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS), and STATA, and the inferences were retrieved using the binary logistic regression model and multiple linear regression model. The study showed that the education level of the farmers has a positive influence on the adoption of mulching (p = 0.04) and pruning (p = 0.07). The secondary income source of the household has a positive impact on the adoption of chemical fertilizers (p = 0.08) and pruning (p = 0.03). Commercial mandarin farming in larger area has a positive influence on the adoption of Bordeaux mixture (p = 0.03) and insect management (p = 0.01). Extension services has great influence on the adoption of chemical fertilizers (p = 0.02), mulching (p = 0.03), Bordeaux mixture (p = 0.00) and insect management (p = 0.1). However, education level (p = 0.05), area under mandarin farm (p = 0.09), and extension services (p = 0.00) discourage the adoption of intercropping in the mandarin orchard. The productivity of mandarin orchards was significantly enhanced by FYM application, chemical fertilizers, irrigation, weeding, and Bordeaux application. This study shows that the farmers with better socio-economic conditions are more likely to adopt improved management practices in mandarin orchard which in turn enhance their productivity.
Citrus, Position of farmers, Management practices, Orchard, ProductivityDownloads
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