Assets possession and food consumption level of haor people in a selected area of Bangladesh
Assets possession and calorie intake level of a household member reflect the livelihood patterns and food security condition of the household. The study was conducted to analyze the socioeconomic characteristics, identify the assets possession, determine the calorie intake level and analyze the perception of the households’ livelihood improvement. An interview schedule was used in field survey for primary data collection. The DFID approaches of livelihood and the consumption data of haor households of seven days were used in the study. The findings revealed that about 24.61% of the respondents were illiterate, 32.31% respondents were can sign only and 30.77% respondents had primary education, average family size was 9.66, about 51% respondents’ annual income was below Tk.60,000 (US$ 690) and, most of the respondent’s (84.62%) occupation was agriculture and fishing. The human, social, natural, physical and financial capital of the haor respondents was in a vulnerable position. The findings also revealed that about 44.61% of the respondents belonged to the ultra-poor whose per day per person calorie intake was All of the respondents demanded the improved road and communication facilities which are essential for their livelihood and food security improvement. The haor is being tarnished fast due to mishandling and damaging activities. The government should take necessary steps to improve the road and communication facilities in the haor area which will foster the socioeconomic development of haor people in Bangladesh.
Bangladesh, Food security, Haor people, Livelihood assetsDownloads
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