Capacity strengthening of fish farmers for improving their livelihood in Mymensingh district of Bangladesh
This study examines the capacity strengthening status for improving the livelihood of fish farmers of Muktagacha upazila (sub-district) of Bangladesh. A mix method research design was used to collect data from 70 fish farmers of the study area. Nine selected demographic characteristics of the respondents were age, level of education, household size, farm size, fish farming experience, training received on fish farming, access to credit, extension media
contact and organizational participation. Findings reveal that half of the respondents (50%) had moderate level of capacity strengthening score while considerable portion of the respondents (36%) had high level of capacity strengthening score. The livelihood status of fish farmers improved to a great extent in five aspects of livelihood (human, social, natural, physical and financial) due to the creation of income generating opportunities after their involvement in fish farming. This study concludes that fish farming has major contributions for the capacity strengthening of fish farmers for improving their livelihood status.
Capacity, Fish farming, Improvement, livelihood, StrengtheningDownloads
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