Biochemical composition of some catfishes from a coastal river of Bangladesh in relation to a biometric indicator
The proximate contents (protein, lipid, ash, and moisture) of three catfish species (Pangasius pangasius, Clupisoma garua, and Silonia silondia) were investigated from a coastal river of Bangladesh. The proximate composition was determined using the AOAC (1990) standard procedure. The average length and weight of the fish samples used in the experiment were 21.50 ± 1.61 cm and 65.55 ± 13.12 g; 19.67 ± 0.21 cm and 50.74 ± 3.13 g; 18.2 ± 1.21 cm and 43.40 ± 10.42 g for P. pangasius, C. garua, and S. silondia, respectively. The P. pangasius, C. garua, and S. silondia were rich protein sources, with 20.19%, 18.86%, and 15.24%, respectively. On the other hand, the lipid and ash contents were ranged between 2.11% to 3.07% and 0.52% to 2.28% respectively. The present study disclused water as the most abundant element in fish bodies ranging from 75.05% (P. pangasius) to 79.60% (S. silondia). In log-transformed data, the weight of the fish body had a very significant positive relationship with most of the studied body constituents. In all three fish species, total length in log-transformed data and Fulton's condition factor showed a highly significant positive relationship with most of the studied body constituents. These findings suggest that biological differences like length and weight across species can influence the fishes biochemical composition that should be established.
Catfish, Condition factor, Payra river, Proximate compositionDownloads
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