Effect of fertilizers and mulching on growth and yield of sweet pepper (Capsicum annum L.)
An experiment was carried out to evaluate the effects of fertilizers and mulching on growth and yield of sweet pepper at the Horticulture Farm, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh during the period from October, 2018 to March, 2019. Two factors experiment was laid out in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with 3 replications. The experiment consisted four (4) levels of organic and inorganic fertilizers viz., F1 (Vermicompost), F2 (Recommended dose of NPKS), F3 (50% Vermicompost + 50% Recommended dose of NPKS) and F4 (75% Vermicompost + 25% Recommended dose of NPKS); and three mulch materials viz., M0 (Control), M1 (White polythene) and M2 (Black polythene). Plot size was 1 m x 1 m. The growth and physio-morphological characters, yield attributes and yield were significantly influenced by different types of fertilizers application and mulching practices. F4 treatment (75% Vermicompost + 25% Recommended dose of NPKS) produced maximum yield per hectare (40 t/ha) and F1 (vermicompost) treatment produced minimum yield per hectare (23.07 t/ha). Fruit yield increased 12.49%, 20.01% and 28.44% higher using F4, F3 and F2, respectively compared to control treatment. Mulching material influenced fruit yield where the maximum yield per hectare (40 t/ha) were observed from the M2 (Black polythene). Fruit yield (t/ha) recorded 27.06% and 27.50% higher in M2 and M1, respectively compared to control. In case of combined treatment, the fresh weight of fruit and dry matter were found higher in M2F4 and the lowest in M0F1. The maximum yield per hectare (53.31 t/ha) was found in M2F4 and M2F4 treatment produce 201.75% higher yield (t/ha) compared to control treatment combination M0F1 (17.67 t/ha). The second and third highest was found from M2F3 and M1F4. The highest benefit cost ratio (BCR) was found in M2 F4 and it was 7.49. Black plastic mulch with combined fertilizer (vermicompost and chemical fertilizer) gives higher plant height, yield, dry matter and other yield contributing parameters. Control treatment (no mulch) with only vermicompost gives lowest result in all cases.
BCR (Benefit cost ratio), Organic, Mulch materials, Soil health,, VermicompostDownloads
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