Assessment of soil quality at selected sites around Karwi town, Chitrakoot (Uttar Pradesh), India
Every living organism on this planet prioritises food. Sustainable crop production is the need of the present hour to fulfil the basic needs of the large population of the country. The production of any crop, along with many other factors, largely depends on the soil quality of the area. Therefore, the aim of the present study is to ascertain the quality of the soil in the study area. To fulfil the aim of the present study, four sites {Karwi Mafi (SS-1), Karwi (SS-2), Amanpur (SS-3), and Narainpur (SS-4)} were selected around Karwi town, Chitrakoot (Uttar Pradesh), India. The soil samples were collected from the selected sites following the Grab sampling method for 12 months (January 2021 to December 2021). A total of 80 soil samples were collected and analysed for various physical parameters, primary and secondary nutrients, micronutrients, and heavy metals. The results obtained showed that soil moisture ranged from 44.56% to 48.12%. Among all the four sites, the soil quality of SS-03 (pH=6.79±0.03) was observed to be slightly acidic in nature. Phosphorous ranged from 48.10 to 56.53 mg/kg. Similarly, all other studied primary and secondary nutrients were observed in sufficient quantity at all the study sites. The concentration of all the studied micronutrients (Cd, Cu, Mn, Zn, and Fe) ranged from 0.95-1.31 mg/kg, 4.39-5.23 mg/kg, 2.47-3.62 mg/kg, 14.29-21.42 mg/kg, and 4.83-6.01 mg/kg, respectively. Chromium ranged from 0.96 to 1.58 mg/kg. On the basis of the present study, it can be concluded that the quality of soil in the study area is in good condition. The findings of the present study are important as they reveal the soil quality of pure residential and agricultural areas without any anthropogenic or natural dumping of solid or liquid waste.
Balui, Karwi, Micro-nutrients, Primary and secondary nutrients, RakadDownloads
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