Effect of different nitrogen levels on yield and yield attributes of different rice varieties in DDSR condition at Kanchanpur, Nepal

Dipesh Giri 1 , Madhav Dhital 2 , Bishal Chaudhary 3 , Roman Pandey 4 , Bipin Bastakoti 5 , Saksham Shrestha 6

1   Agriculture and Forestry University, Darchula-10100, NEPAL
2   Agriculture and Forestry University, Chitwan - 44200, NEPAL
3   Agriculture and Forestry University, Parasi-33007, NEPAL
4   Agriculture and Forestry University, Rupandehi - 32907, NEPAL
5   Agriculture and Forestry University, Nawalpur-45306, NEPAL
6   Agriculture and Forestry University, Chitwan - 44203, NEPAL

✉ Coressponding author: See PDF.

doi https://doi.org/10.26832/24566632.2022.070302



An experiment on the effect of different nitrogen levels on yield and yield attributes of different rice varieties was conducted in Kanchanpur, Nepal, from March 2021 to July 2021. The experiment was laid in randomized complete block design with two factors: nitrogen levels and rice varieties, each factor having three levels (Nitrogen: 60kg/ha, 120kg/ha, and 180kg/ha and rice varieties: Hardinath 1, Hardianth 3 and Chaite 5) resulting in nine treatment
combinations. Rice seeds were sown directly in experimental plots under the dry condition on March 24, 2021. The plant spacing was 20x20cm^2. Growth parameters, grain yield, and yield attributing traits of rice were recorded. The statistical results revealed significant differences between the treatments regarding agronomical parameters, yield attributing characters, and grain yield. The results indicated that the 180 kg/ha level of N application contributes to the higher plant height (74.502 cm), the number of tillers (1101.667), effective tillers (577.222), filled grain per panicle (116.490), panicle length (25.241 cm), grain yield (4.7 ton/ha) and straw yield (10.564 ton/ha). Among the varieties, Hardinath 3 produced significantly higher plant height (79.68 cm), panicle length (25.68cm), sterility percentage, and 1000 grain weight (24.60g) as compared to Hardinath 1 and Chapter 5, respectively. However, yield and yield attributing characters like grain yield, straw yield, effective tillers, and filled grains per panicle were significantly higher in Chaite 5. Therefore, a nitrogen level of 180 kg/ha and variety Chaite5 may be used for better productivity in Kanchanpur, Nepal.


Dry direct seeded, Nitrogen level, Rice, Variety, Yield


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How to Cite

Giri, D., Dhital, M., Chaudhary, B., Pandey, R., Bastakoti, B., & Shrestha, S. (2022). Effect of different nitrogen levels on yield and yield attributes of different rice varieties in DDSR condition at Kanchanpur, Nepal. Archives of Agriculture and Environmental Science, 7(3), 310-317. https://doi.org/10.26832/24566632.2022.070302



Research Articles