Adapting agriculture to climate change: A case study of women vegetable producers in rural communities of the Gambia
In Gambia, fruits and vegetable are the principal source of vitamins and minerals plays an important role in food, nutrition and income security of producers. Over the years’ climate change had an adverse effect on production and productivity of vegetables. The aim of the study was to address the problems faced by vegetable producers in relation to change using the climate smart agricultural technologies. The methodology of the study was random sampling administering semi-structure questionnaire, key informant interviews, and focus group discussion among producers. The finding showed that, onion registered 4000kg generating a net income of D196,000.00 followed by sweet pepper with net return of D112,000.00, however cabbage and bitter tomato there was no significant difference. Onion production was found to be the most outstanding commodity grown by women producer based on its comparative advantage. In addition, the second highest income earned was Gengi wollof’s with a net return of D707,616.00 thousand from vegetable production. Based, on the research findings I conclude that, crop diversification and intensification is the most effective and efficient resilient approach to mitigate the effects of climate change while increasing nutrition and income of vegetable producers. Therefore, recommends to government, partners, CSOs, and private sector to strengthening the capacity of women in the process of adapting and mitigating climate change related issues practicing climate smart agriculture.
Agriculture, Climate change, Rural communities, Vegetables, WomenDownloads
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