Efficacy of various botanical pesticides against leaf eating caterpillar (Artona chorista Jordan) on large cardamom (Amomum subulatum Roxb.) field of Sankhuwasabha District, Nepal
Four treatments (Dadaguard Plus (0.05%), mugwort (Titepati) Oil (0.05%), azadiractin (Neem) Oil (0.25%), and tobacco extract (1%) of different botanicals and an absolute control) were evaluated in a field experiment against a lepidopteran pest, the leaf eating caterpillar infesting large cardamom, in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with an area of 4.2× 3.88 m2 in each experimental unit having 5 treatments with 4 replications at Khandbari, Sankhuwasabha, Nepal. Leaf-eating caterpillars cause a white papery thin epidermis-like structure at the primary stage and defoliation of the plant, leaving the midrib of the leaves, symptoms at the severe stage. Treatment-wise application of botanicals was done by using a high-volume knapsack sprayer, and the number of larvae per plant was counted at different time intervals, viz., 3, 5, and 7 days after spraying (DAS), to access the effectiveness of the treatments. The botanical pesticides caused significant differences in their effects against the leaf-eating caterpillar. Among the different botanicals, Dadaguard Plus (0.05 %) was found highly effective in managing the leaf-eating caterpillar in large cardamom, followed by neem oil (0.25%), tobacco extract (1%), titepati oil (0.05%), and untreated control, respectively. Dadaguard could be considered an effective botanical in the successful management of the pest leaf eating caterpillar due to its efficacy.
Botanicals, Dadaguard, Large cardamom, Leaf eating caterpillarDownloads
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