Effect of zinc and boron on the performance of rainy season local potato variety “Sete” (Solanum tuberosum L.) at Rukumkot, Rukum East, Nepal
A field experiment was carried out at Rukumkot, Rukum East, Nepal during the rainy season of 2021 to study the effect of boron and zinc on vegetative growth and yield parameters of the local “Sete” variety of potato. The experiment was laid out in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with 4 replications, and 7 treatments i.e., control, boron @2kg/ha soil application, zinc @4.5kg/ha soil application, boron @2kg/ha + zinc @4.5kg/ha soil application, 0.1% boron spray, 0.1% zinc spray and 0.1% boron+ 0.1% zinc spray. The highest tuber yield per hill and productivity was reported in boron @2kg/ha + zinc @4.5kg/ha soil application i.e., 2888.52 grams and 27.51 ton/ha, respectively. A similar result was shown by zinc @4.5kg/ha soil application. Plant height (26.33cm, 46.57cm), number of branches (4.85, 12.02) and number of leaves per plant (30.05, 73.70) were significantly high in boron @2kg/ha + zinc @4.5kg/ha soil application at both 45 DAP (days after planting) and 60DAP. Soil application of only boron, only zinc and boron + zinc increased the total yield of tubers by 10.23%, 24.66% and 25.66%, respectively over the control. The foliar application of only boron, only zinc and boron + zinc increased the total yield of tubers by 4.22%, 2.07% and 12.37%, respectively over the control. Hence, research suggested combined soil application of zinc and boron at the rate of 4.5kg/ha and 2kg/ha, respectively over the foliar cum solitary application of micronutrients for increasing number of medium and large sized tubers and get an overall high yield of potato.
Application, Micronutrients, Tuber, Vegetation, YieldDownloads
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