Evaluation of the inland fisheries in Basrah province in Iraq during 2020-2021
The study was aimed to update the knowledge on the fish landings of the inland fisheries in Basrah province, Iraq. The species composition, species and total landings, and their trends in six landing sites throughout the study region were evaluated during the year 2020-2021. Species compositions were included seven cyprinids’ species, three cichlids’ species, three mullet’s species, and two species from sparids and silurids. The exotic species, C. carpio, tilapias species and C. auratus dominated the landings constituting 44.2% of the total catch, whereas the highly valued native species (M. sharpeyi, L. xanthopterus, C. luteus and A. grypus) forming only 12.4% of the total catch. The total landing reached 2,427.78 t in 2020 and 2,365.15 t in 2021, and these values were higher than what was recorded during the past years since the year 2009. This is due to the prevalence of aliened species and the increase in the fishing effort, such as the numbers of fishermen and fishing boats. Therefore, in fisheries management point of view, it is essential to enhance the stocks of the native species, minimize the dispersal and impacts of some exotic species, and activate the national regulating fishing, exploitation and protection of aquatic organisms to improve the inland fisheries.
Exotic species, Inland fisheries, Iraq, Landing trends, Native fishDownloads
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