Production systems and contributions of grain legumes to soil health and sustainable agriculture: A review
Sustainable development of agriculture is essential, and there is unanimity that diversification of the cropping systems could support sustainable production. Grain legumes are essential in farming systems in terms of food and nutrition security and income generation. Under legume-based cropping systems, these crops are a potential remedy to pest and disease issues, low nutrient supply, biodiversity protection, and food and nutrition insecurity. In this chapter, we highlight the production systems of legumes and their use in sustainable agricultural production. Specifically, we have looked at the benefits of having a legume cropping system in the agroecosystem, production, and farming systems. The function of legumes in improving the potential of crop productivity is a promising approach to tackling the challenges of poor crop yields and improvement in sustainable production. Due to health and environmental benefits, the focus should shift to breeding grain legumes that can fully express their biological nitrogen fixation and other potentials under abiotic and biotic limitations.
Biological N-fixation, Cropping systems, Legumes, Soil health, Sustainable productionDownloads
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