Maximizing yield of aromatic fine rice through application of zinc and poultry manure
Zinc (Zn), one of the most important micronutrients for plants which play vital role in various metabolic functions and deficiency of this nutrient in agricultural soils associated with lower yield of rice in many regions of the world. The integrated use of organic and inorganic fertilizer has been found to be promising for sustainable crop production and poultry manure could be a rich source of organic matter. Considering these factors, a field experiment was conducted to observe the effect of zinc and poultry manure-based fertilization on the yield of aromatic fine rice, BRRI dhan34. Four levels of zinc and three levels of poultry manure (PM) were tested as treatment including control. Application of zinc, PM and their interaction significantly influenced the growth and yield of rice that result the tallest plant (131.33 cm), maximum number of effective tillers/hill (13.89), grains/panicle (128.54), 1000-grain weight (12.09 g) and highest grain yield (3.21 t/ha) where 4 kg Zn/ha were applied. On the other hand, tallest plant (129.92 cm), maximum number of effective tillers/hill (9.13), grains/panicle (128.23), 1000-grain weight (12.05) and grain yield (3.24 t/ha) were obtained where 10 t/ha of PM were applied. The interaction between application of 4 kg Zn/ha and 10 t PM/ha performed best in all yield contributing characters and results maximum grain yield (3.64 t/ha). Therefore, 4 kg Zn/ha along with 10 t PM/ha was found to be suitable combination for cultivation of aromatic fine rice.
BRRI dhan34, Grain yield, Manure, MicronutrientDownloads
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