Domestication performance of the striped snakehead Channa striata fry in pond conditions using different diets
The experiment was conducted to assess the performance of growth, rate of survival and FCR of the different feed types in Channa striata fry at the freshwater station of the Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute. The experiment was undertaken with 3 treatments (T1, T2, and T3) and each having three replications (R1, R2, and R3). Each treatment included the provision of three different feed types, with a stocking density of 1,00,000 individuals per hectare. Fry in T1 was fed a commercial feed that contained 40–35% protein at 40–10% of total body weight. In T2, 40–10% of the body weight of commercial feed, which included fish paste, was given. Contrarily, in T3 live fish fry and chopped fish were provided at 30–10% of total body weight. The mean weight gains in T1, T2, and T3 were 128.7, 140.7, and 162.3g, respectively with percentage weight gains were 81279, 87867, and 100999 respectively, as well as SGR, were 3.34%, 3.37%, and 3.45%, respectively. T1 revealed the lowest amount of weight gain, weight gain percent and SGR, whereas T3 revealed the highest. The mean survival rates at T1, T2, and T3, respectively, were 45.5%, 71.8%, and 82.67%, whereas the FCR values were 2.26, 2.05, and 1.79. T1 had the lowest survival rate and FCR values, while T3 showed the highest. These
experiment findings revealed that chopped fish and live fish fry had a more optimistic effect on the survival and growth of the C. striata fry compared with other commercial feeds.
C. striata, Domestication, Feeding rate, Growth, SurvivalityDownloads
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