Effect of plant spacing and sowing dates on the growth and yield of radish (Raphanus sativus) in Rupandehi district, Nepal

Shristi Parajuli 1 , Pankaj Raj Dhital 2

1   Agriculture and Forestry University, Rampur, Chitwan, NEPAL
2   Department of Agriculture Extension and Rural Sociology, Agriculture and Forestry University, Rampur, Chitwan, NEPAL

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doi https://doi.org/10.26832/24566632.2023.0804018



A field experiment was conducted from mid-April to mid-June 2022 in Rupandehi to evaluate the growth and yield of radish maintained in varied plant spacing at differed sowing dates. The study was aimed to compare the growth, production and economics of radish in Rupandehi district under different plant spacing and sowing dates and to evaluate the interaction between these two factors. Four plants spacing (10 cm, 20 cm, 30 cm and 40 cm) with constant row spacing was maintained at two sowing dates (Chaitra 29 and Baisakh 14). The treatments were arranged in two factorial Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with 3 replications. The data were collected on 30 DAS and 45 DAS. The obtained data were recorded and analyzed using MS-Excel and R-studio, respectively. The results revealed that the highest yield was obtained from plant spacing of 20 cm (28.20 t/ha). However, individual plant weight was higher in wider spacing. Plant spacing of 20 cm showed significantly highest plant height (24.52 cm), number of leaves per plant (22.37) and leaf length (23.36 cm). Leaf blade width (10.67 cm) and petiole length (3.05 cm) was significantly highest in plant spacing of 30 cm. Early sowing date showed significantly better results for all growth and yield parameters and yield except leaf blade width. Higher gross return, net return and B:C ratio was observed in plant spacing of 20 cm and early sowing date. The study concluded that plant spacing of 20 cm and earlier sowing date was ideal for maximum growth and yield of radish in Rupandehi district.


Plant spacing, Production and economics, Radish, Sowing date


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How to Cite

Parajuli, S., & Dhital, P. R. (2023). Effect of plant spacing and sowing dates on the growth and yield of radish (Raphanus sativus) in Rupandehi district, Nepal. Archives of Agriculture and Environmental Science, 8(4), 579-584. https://doi.org/10.26832/24566632.2023.0804018



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