Hydrochemical characterization of groundwater for consumption and agriculture: A case study from Phulpur Upazila, Bangladesh
The aim of this study was to assess the suitability of groundwater for drinking and irrigation in Phulpur Upazila, Bangladesh, based on its hydrochemical attributes. In our research, we examined twenty groundwater specimens from shallow and hand tube wells, adhering to international and national guidelines. The data showed groundwater pH levels from 5.67 to 6.84, signifying slightly acidic to neutral properties. Total dissolved solids ranged from 79 to 298 mg/l, and conductivity varied between 120 and 832 μS/cm. Notably, the primary cations and anions were sequenced as Ca > Mg > Na > K and HCO3 > Cl > SO4 > PO4, respectively. A marked correlation was discerned among the physicochemical parameters, and the predominant groundwater type was magnesium-bicarbonate (Mg-HCO3). The main geochemical activity was identified as silicate weathering, pointing to significant rock-water interactions in the region. The groundwater displayed moderate salinity and low alkalinity, qualifying them as 'excellent to good' and 'normal' in quality metrics, respectively. The soluble sodium percentage was rated as 'excellent'. On multiple assessment scales, the groundwater quality was deemed 'good' for irrigation. In line with established classification systems, most samples were suitable for drinking and irrigation. Hence, the area's groundwater is viable for consumption and agricultural utilization. Cumulatively, our research offers critical insights for sustainable groundwater stewardship in the region, providing a foundation for policymakers to guarantee the sustained provision of high-quality groundwater for diverse applications.
Groundwater quality, Hydrogeochemistry, Major ions, Rock-water interactionsDownloads
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