An overview of foliar application of macro and micronutrients on the yield of maize in Ghana
Maize is a major staple crop in Ghana which plays a significant role in consumer diets. For some time now, the farming methods used by the farmers have been negatively affected by components such as climate, soil nutrient depletion, and constant monocropping resulting in the adoption of inorganic fertilizers. Conventional fertilizers supplied through soils are subjected to slow release of nutrients, leaching, fixation, surface runoff, erosion, and volatilization, which hinders optimal plant growth and yield. Foliar application of fertilizer offers an alternative method of fertilizer application that supplies nutrients directly to the stomata and cuticle of the leaves of maize thereby enabling rapid absorption and enhancing crop vigor. The The main objective of this paper is to review research papers which explores the potential of foliar application of vital nutrients – phosphorus (P), sulphur (S), zinc (Zn), and iron (Fe) – to improve the yield of maize crop. According to the literature gathered, foliar fertilization in combination with soil applied fertilizers emerges as a promising strategy, particularly in addressing nutrient deficiencies and stress scenarios. The efficient uptake of nutrients through leaves, as opposed to traditional soil-based approaches, holds promise for augmenting yield and enhancing protein content in maize crops. Notably, prior research highlights the efficacy of foliar-applied P, S, Zn, and Fe in significantly boosting grain yield. By understanding the complex mechanisms of nutrient absorption and the advantages of foliar application, the agricultural sector can explore innovative avenues to surmount soil-related challenges and achieve sustainable crop development.
Fertilizer, Fixation, Leaching, Nutrient deficienciesDownloads
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