AMMI GGE biplot analysis of wheat genotypes under heat stress and heat drought environment
Wheat is the third most important cereal crop of Nepal. Climatic changes have been a major threat on overall production and productivity of wheat in Nepal. With the aim of evaluating twenty elite wheat genotypes under heat stress and heat drought environments, a field experiment was conducted using alpha lattice design at Bhairahawa, Rupandehi, Nepal. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) revealed significant differences in the yield across wheat growing environments (p<0.001). Environment explained 75.11% of the total variation in grain yield. NL 1404 was the most stable followed by NL 1368, and NL 1413. NL 1376, NL 1369. NL 1386 was the best adapted genotypes under heat stress environments whereas NL 1384, Gautam, and BL 4949 were best adapted to heat drought environments. NL 1346 was the best genotype. WWW model explained NL 1346 won under heat drought environment and NL 1384 under heat stress environment. Mean vs. stability model showed NL 1346 was the above yielder and stable genotype. In ranking, NL1179 was concluded to be the ideal genotype. From the study, NL 1368 was found to be the winning genotype under heat drought and heat stress environments. These genotypes should further be evaluated to release as a variety.
Adaptability, Heat drought, Heat stress, Stability, WheatDownloads
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