Length frequency distribution, length-weight relationship and condition factors of Hilsa Shad, Tenualosa ilisha from Bangladesh
Hilsa shad, Tenualosa ilisha, a cherished and economically vital species, thrives in the waters of Bangladesh. It holds a prominent role in bolstering the nation's food security and influencing the ecological dynamics of aquatic ecosystems along the Bangladeshi coast and estuaries. This comprehensive study encompasses data collection efforts on the Hilsa fish species, conducted at 12 commercial landing centers throughout Bangladesh over the course of 2020. The study describes some fundamental components, including length frequency distribution, length-weight relationships, and condition factors, offers invaluable insights into the growth, health, and overall well-being of Hilsa population. Notably, the length-weight relationship analysis revealed size ranges of 11.5-59.2 cm and 11.0-49.0 cm total length for females and males, respectively. The observed b values indicated positive allometric growth (b > 3.00) for female population and negative allometric growth (b < 3.00) for male population in the length-weight relationship. Among the condition factors scrutinized, Fulton's condition factor emerged as the most reliable indicator for assessing the health and condition of the Hilsa population. This study offers valuable insights for biologists, aiding in the assessment of the species' status and providing essential information for fishery biologists and conservation biologists. Such insights are instrumental in the management and ultimate conservation of this iconic species in Bangladesh.
Bangladesh, Condition factors, Length frequency distribution, Length-weight relationship, Tenualosa ilishaDownloads
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