An ideal model of plant-vector-phytopathogen interaction and the management of the vector

Bipin Bastakoti 1

1   Department of Environmental Resource Sciences, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, USA

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Maize (Zea mays L.) is a vital cereal crop worldwide, crucial for global food security and various industrial applications. Its cultivation faces significant challenges from a diverse array of insect pests and pathogens, notably including the maize leaf aphid (Rhopalosiphum maidis) and the maize dwarf mosaic virus (MDMV). This paper explores the intricate interactions among maize, its insect vectors, and MDMV, emphasizing the urgent need for a deeper understanding to develop sustainable management strategies. Maize exhibits vast genetic diversity and is cultivated across diverse environments, making it susceptible to a range of pests and diseases. The transmission of MDMV by aphids, particularly R. maidis, poses a significant threat to maize production globally. The complex tripartite interaction between maize, aphids, and MDMV serves as an ideal model system for studying plant-insect-phytopathogen interactions. Understanding the components of this interaction is critical for developing effective management strategies. Despite significant research efforts, there remains a knowledge gap in the molecular mechanisms underlying vector-borne diseases. Further research on the molecular level is essential for identifying specific targets for genetic pest control and disrupting pathogen transmission by insect vectors. Developing countries, in particular, require intensified research efforts to address the growing challenges to food security and agricultural sustainability. Thus, unraveling the complexities of plant-insect-phytopathogen interactions is essential for devising effective strategies to combat vector-borne diseases and sustain global food systems. Enhanced scientific research, especially in developing regions, is crucial for addressing these challenges and ensuring food security for future generations.


IPM, Maize dwarf mosaic virus, Maize leaf aphid


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How to Cite

Bastakoti, B. (2024). An ideal model of plant-vector-phytopathogen interaction and the management of the vector. Archives of Agriculture and Environmental Science, 9(1), 194-200.



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