Performance of kharif maize under conservation tillage in silty clay loam soil

Mahmuda Nasrin Afrad Priya 1 , Naimur Rahman 2 , Mst. Shapna Khatun 3 , Tareq Ahmed 4 , Atikul Islam 5 , Ranjan Kumar Dey 6 , Mozammel Hoque 7

1   Department of Agronomy & Haor Agriculture, Sylhet Agricultural University, Sylhet, BANGLADESH
2   Department of Agronomy & Haor Agriculture, Sylhet Agricultural University, Sylhet, BANGLADESH
3   Department of Agronomy & Haor Agriculture, Sylhet Agricultural University, Sylhet, BANGLADESH
4   Department of Pathology, Firmley Health NHS Foundation Trust, GU15 7UJ, UK
5   Agricultural Training Institute, Department of Agricultural Extension, Manikganj, BANGLADESH
6   Department of Agronomy & Haor Agriculture, Sylhet Agricultural University, Sylhet, BANGLADESH
7   Department of Agronomy & Haor Agriculture, Sylhet Agricultural University, Sylhet, BANGLADESH

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Maize is a major staple food as well as potential cash crop for millions of people, mostly grown in the winter season in Bangladesh under conventional tillage practice. But huge area of cultivable land remains fallow in kharif-1 season in Sylhet region as well as other parts of Bangladesh. Hence, we aimed to identify the best variety and tillage method to grow maize in silty clay loam soil in kharif season. An experiment was conducted to study the performance of six maize varieties in the Kharif-I season (summer) under three tillage methods in silty clay loam soil of Eastern Surma-Kushiyara floodplain (AEZ-20). The experiment was arranged in RCBD with three replications to observe yield contributing traits and yield performance of maize. Among the varieties, BARI Hybrid Maize-16 showed the highest yield attributes and grain yield followed by BARI Hybrid Maize-13 and BARI Hybrid Maize-9. Based on tillage, the maximum number of leaves per plant, cob length and diameter, kernel rows per cob, kernels per row, kernels per cob, highest grain yield, and stover yields were recorded in conventional tillage. Therefore, considering the yield and tillage methods, BARI Hybrid Maize-16 showed the best yield performance under conventional tillage in the kharif-I season in silty clay loam soil of Eastern Surma-Kushiyara floodplain of Bangladesh.


BCR, Conventional tillage, Corn, Summer


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How to Cite

Priya, M. N. A., Rahman, N., Khatun, M. S., Ahmed, T., Islam, A., Dey, R. K., & Hoque, M. (2024). Performance of kharif maize under conservation tillage in silty clay loam soil. Archives of Agriculture and Environmental Science, 9(2), 302-307.



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