Exploring economic viability: A study on profitability and resource efficiency in Polycarp production within the fish super zone of Dhanusha district, Nepal

Bipin Rijal 1 , Hemraj Kathayat 2 , Surakshya Poudel 3 , Kamala Gharti 4

1   College of Natural Resources and Management, Agriculture and Forestry University, Nepal
2   Mississippi State University, MS, USA
3   College of Natural Resources and Management, Agriculture and Forestry University, Nepal
4   Department of Aquaculture and Fisheries, Agriculture and Forestry University, Nepal

✉ Coressponding author: See PDF.

doi https://doi.org/10.26832/24566632.2024.0903016



Dhanusha district of Nepal is recognized as a fish hub of the country still operative fish farming in a semi-commercial level. This study evaluated and analyzed the profitability and resources utilization efficiency in the Polycarp production within the fish super zone of Dhanusha district. Along with it, the study covers socio-demographic characteristic of respondent, determine the factor affecting fish production, rank such challenges based on farmer’s experience, and evaluate returns to scale fish production of this site. 64 farmers were randomly selected and surveyed through a semi-structured questionnaire. In order to collect primary data, pre-tested interview schedule, focus group discussion, key informant Interview, and field survey were conducted. Secondary data were collected by reviewing relevant publications. Analysis of socio-demographic data revealed a predominantly male participation rate (98.44%), with overall aged between 30 and 50 years, among whom the Yadav caste showed maximum engagement (27%). Regarding land ownership, the majority (68.76%) leased land for this activity. Carp polyculture exhibited an average water surface area of 1.55 hectares. The average yearly cost of producing carp fish was Rs.1069644.00, or Rs. 891370.00 per hectare of water surface, per year with fixed costs 15.55% and variable costs 84.45%. Notably, feed costs constituted the largest expense at 49.87%, followed by labor (15.52%) and fingerlings (9.40%). Silver carp emerged as the primary market contributor, comprising 22.96% of total production (6010 kg), followed by common carp, Grass carp, Rohu, Naini, Bighead carp, and Bhakur. Net returns per hectare was Rs. 2,24,348.87, with a resulting B:C ratio of 1.33, indicating economic viability. Challenges identified in the study area included the timely unavailability of fingerling, high feed cost and theft.


Aquaculture, Carps, Dhanusha, Economic, Marketing


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How to Cite

Rijal, B., Kathayat, H., Poudel, S., & Gharti, K. (2024). Exploring economic viability: A study on profitability and resource efficiency in Polycarp production within the fish super zone of Dhanusha district, Nepal. Archives of Agriculture and Environmental Science, 9(3), 520-526. https://doi.org/10.26832/24566632.2024.0903016



Research Articles