Effect of different organic manures on the growth and yield of Zucchini in Khotang, Nepal

Anuja Subedi 1 , Niraj Bhandari 2 , Roshan Bhandari 3 , Nirmal Adhikari 4 , Ayush Kharel 5 , Lakshya Bahadur Chaudhary 6 , Raj Chaudhary 7

1   Faculty of Agriculture, Girija Prasad Koirala College of Agriculture and Research Centre, Purbanchal University, Gothgaun, Morang, Nepal
2   Faculty of Agriculture, Agriculture and Forestry University, Rampur, Chitwan, Nepal
3   Faculty of Agriculture, Girija Prasad Koirala College of Agriculture and Research Centre, Purbanchal University, Gothgaun, Morang, Nepal
4   Faculty of Agriculture, Girija Prasad Koirala College of Agriculture and Research Centre, Purbanchal University, Gothgaun, Morang, Nepal
5   Faculty of Agriculture, Girija Prasad Koirala College of Agriculture and Research Centre, Purbanchal University, Gothgaun, Morang, Nepal
6   Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development, Kathmandu, Nepal
7   Faculty of Agriculture, Agriculture and Forestry University, Rampur, Chitwan, Nepal

✉ Coressponding author: See PDF.

doi https://doi.org/10.26832/24566632.2024.0903018



This experiment was conducted from February 2022 to May 2022 in ward no 1 of Diktel Rupakot Majuwagadi Municipality, Khotang district of Nepal to evaluate the efficacy of different organic manures in the growth and yield of zucchini in Khotang. We aimed to identify the most effective organic manure (goat manure, poultry manure, farm yard manure (FYM), vermicompost experiment, and control), and the research was carried out in a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with five treatments and four replications. The Cheongma variety of zucchini was used as a test crop. The recommended dose of manure (goat manure at 20 t/ha, poultry manure at 15 t/ha, FYM at 20 t/ha, vermicompost at 6 t/ha, and control) was applied to each treatment. There is no significant difference observed between treatments and vegetative parameters but a significant difference was found in yield. Furthermore, results showed that the highest yield was obtained from the field treated with poultry manure (1.84 kg), followed by FYM (1.40 kg) and 1.38 kg on vermicompost, respectively. The minimum yield was recorded at 1.09 kg from control, followed by goat manure (1.29 kg). The study by (Farhan, 2021; Eifediyi, 2010) found that the application of poultry manure and FYM significantly increased fruit yield and our research study also demonstrated the same findings.


FYM, Organic manure, Poultry manure, Yield, Zucchini


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How to Cite

Subedi, A., Bhandari, N., Bhandari, R., Adhikari, N., Kharel, A., Chaudhary, L. B., & Chaudhary, R. (2024). Effect of different organic manures on the growth and yield of Zucchini in Khotang, Nepal. Archives of Agriculture and Environmental Science, 9(3), 534-539. https://doi.org/10.26832/24566632.2024.0903018



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