Determination of fertilizer requirement of Indonesian black rice in winter season under different plant spacing at Agro-ecological Zone-9 of Bangladesh

Jannatul Ferdos Shimu 1 , Md. Rashedur Rahman 2 , Sabina Yeasmin 3

1   Department of Agronomy, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh - 2202, Bangladesh
2   Department of Agronomy, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh - 2202, Bangladesh
3   Department of Agronomy, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh - 2202, Bangladesh

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Indonesian black rice is quite popular for its highly nutritive value and profitable production. The distinct knowledge about optimum fertilizer doses and plant spacing contributes to its promising yield. The experiment was conducted at the Agronomy Field Laboratory, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, from December 2022 to May 2023 to find out the effect of fertilizer management and plant spacing on the growth and yield of Indonesian black rice in the winter season. The experiment was conducted with 5 treatments of fertilizer management viz., F1(70% of recommended doses); F2(80% of recommended doses); F3(90% of recommended doses); F4(100% of recommended doses) and F5(110% of recommended doses) with 4 plants spacing viz., S1(20 cm × 15 cm); S2(20 cm × 20 cm); S3(25 cm × 15 cm) and S4(25 cm × 20 cm). The experiment was laid out in a split-plot design where the fertilizer management was allocated in main plots and the plant spacing was distributed in sub-plots with three replications. The result revealed that the fertilizer doses and plant spacings along with the interaction effects significantly influenced the growth and yield parameters of Indonesian black rice. Regarding vegetative growth, plant height (79.3cm), total tiller plant-1(21.27cm), and total leaf number plant-1 (58.47) were maximal at 100% recommended dose of fertilizer(F4) at DAT 65. Similarly, S2(20 cm × 20 cm) had better result in crop growth and yield attributes. The interaction effects of the treatments showed significant impact on plant height, total tiller and leaf number where F4S2 gave satisfied results. The highest values for the yield parameters including the maximum number of grains panicle-1 (100.70), 1000-grain weight (28.33g), and grain yield (5.69g) were found from the combination treatment of F4S2. On the other hand, the lowest grain (3.68g) yield was found from F1S4.  Therefore, observing the results of the experiment, the best consideration was F4S2 at Agro-ecological Zone-9 in the winter season for the desirable growth and yield of Indonesian black rice.


Black rice, Fertilizer management, Nutrient management, Plant spacing


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How to Cite

Shimu, J. F., Rahman, M. R., & Yeasmin, S. (2024). Determination of fertilizer requirement of Indonesian black rice in winter season under different plant spacing at Agro-ecological Zone-9 of Bangladesh. Archives of Agriculture and Environmental Science, 9(3), 554-560.



Research Articles