Biophysical and temporal factors influenced population dynamics of woolly aphid, codling moth and mealybug in apple (Malus domestica B.) production of southern Ethiopia

Zemenu Fentahun 1 , Getachew Gudero Mengesha 2 , Asnake Abera Arato 3

1   Arba Minch Agricultural Research Center, SEARI, P. O. Box 2228, Arba Minch, Ethiopia
2   Arba Minch Agricultural Research Center, SEARI, P. O. Box 2228, Arba Minch, Ethiopia
3   Arba Minch Agricultural Research Center, SEARI, P. O. Box 2228, Arba Minch, Ethiopia

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Apple is one of the most popular fruit crops globally, including Ethiopia. However, its productivity is adversely influenced by many constraints. Insect pests, such as woolly apple aphids, codling moths, and mealybugs, are major damaging biotic constraints globally, including Ethiopia, and their population dynamics are significantly influenced by biophysical and temporal changes. Field surveys were conducted in the Chencha highlands of southern Ethiopia during the 2021 and 2022 main rainy and off seasons to determine the prevalence and incidence of these insect pests and the associations of biophysical and temporal factors with these pests’ population changes. Multistage random sampling approaches were followed for data collection, and consequently, 164 apple fields were inspected for insects’ occurrence. Logistic regression analyses were employed to determine the association of independent variables with the incidence of each insect pest. Results showed that the prevalence (90.18, 75.61, and 50.45% in 2021 and 70.26, 54.15 and 36.48% in 2022, respectively), incidence, and number of individual insects per tree varied across years, seasons, and other biophysical factors. These parameters were higher in the off-season in 2021 than in the main rainy season in 2022. Accordingly, incidences of aphids, codling moths, and mealybugs were recorded at about 57.56, 54.93, and 33.29% in 2021, and 37.01, 40.78%, and 21.23% in 2022, respectively. Association analyses revealed that independent variables such as years, seasons, altitude, age of tree, growth stages, cropping systems, weed infestation, and tree management were significantly (P<0.001) associated with the incidences of all studied insects in the reduced multiple regression model. Apple cultivation at an altitude of ≤2500 m and main rainy season with recently planted trees (≤5 years), flowering to fruit development growth stages, high weed infestation, and tree management through composting and pruning had significant associations with low wooly aphids (≤15%), codling moths (≤40%), and mealybug (≤20%) incidence and can be considered as management options to reduce the aforementioned insects and associated yield losses to ensure apple production.


Association analyses, Incidence, Independent variable, Insect pests, Prevalence


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How to Cite

Fentahun, Z., Mengesha, G. G., & Arato, A. A. (2024). Biophysical and temporal factors influenced population dynamics of woolly aphid, codling moth and mealybug in apple (Malus domestica B.) production of southern Ethiopia . Archives of Agriculture and Environmental Science, 9(3), 572-586.



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