Impacts of submergence stress on rice plants and its adaptation: A review

Dipak Khanal 1 , Babita Bastakoti 2 , Dhurba Banjade 3

1   Department of Soil and Crop Sciences, College of Agriculture & Life Sciences, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas - 77840, USA
2   Department of Agriculture, Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science, Tribhuvan University, Lamjung - 33600, Nepal
3   Department of Agriculture, Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science, Tribhuvan University, Gauradaha - 57200, Nepal

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The main aim of this review is to convey information in summarized form by compiling and interpreting the major findings of recent studies on the impacts of submergence stress on rice and tolerance mechanisms. Published research papers available in Google Scholar, Web of Science, and Pub Med, mainly by Elsevier and SpringerLink, were critically analyzed and
summarized for the preparation of the manuscript. In rice, plant survival rates, growth, and development are adversely affected by submergence. Major findings documented that submergence alters the soil aeration and creates hypoxic and anoxic conditions, which results in low photosynthetic efficiency and sugar status in rice plants. Compared to a tolerant cultivar, a sensitive cultivar produces more ethylene and causes injury to the plant. Controlled underwater shoot elongation, higher conserved non-structural carbohydrates, and better hormonal regulation, especially ethylene and gibberellin, and abscisic acid, are the primary adaptive mechanisms of tolerant plants in submergence, which helps better recovery at the post-submergence stage, too. The Sub1 gene and the associated QTLs are crucial for the superior performance of tolerant cultivars in submergence. Any agronomic management practices that can reduce ethylene production and enhance the nutrient status of plants can alleviate the severity of submergence. Understanding the intricate relationship between submergence and rice plant response is essential, mainly how submergence affects the rice plant and its tolerance mechanism to develop resilient rice cultivars that can grow in flood-prone regions.


Ethylene, Flooding, Rice, Stress, Submergence


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How to Cite

Khanal, D., Bastakoti, B., & Banjade, D. (2024). Impacts of submergence stress on rice plants and its adaptation: A review. Archives of Agriculture and Environmental Science, 9(3), 626-631.



Review Articles